Plastic staplers

Which stapler to choose? If you are buying for your home, choose between SP5 and SP4 - here the choice comes down to the convenience of holding the device; however, if you have a workshop, you want to melt all the staples into any type of material, there is only one choice for the SP2 stitcher - the strongest model available. What else do you need? Of course, after sewing the element, you will be welding with a plastic welder or gluing - especially the so-called elements. non-weldable with a lot of fillers such as PPE+ PA or PP+ EPDM+ T20. What do we use the stapler for? We use the stapler to catch the surface, align and level it for further welding and glue works, especially with complicated cracks and small elements where even the help of a second person will not help much. The staples almost always remain after the repair is completed, but there is one exception when we remove them after initial welding - these are elements that later come into contact with food and pass through a metal detector - yes, we are talking about food production plants and boxes and pallets. What is a plastic stapler and how does it work? It is a device that fuses the staples into the crack that you want to repair, thanks to which you do not have to stick with tape (the old method of fastening), use additional fastening tools and even replace the help of another person, especially when repairing small parts, e.g. lamp ears, distance pins and long irregular cracks . Why is it so needed? In simple words, you fix an element 2-5 times faster than if you did not have such a stapler. Why are there so many staples? Just as there is no one type of repair, we cannot use one plastic staple. That is why we always choose it so that it is as comfortable as possible to blend in and holds properly tight on time and after repair. Of course, the basic staples are RS16 and RS18, which you will hold most of the repaired elements, but if you need to connect them at an angle, then you use RS238 RS248 depending on the external or internal angle and RS08 and RS128 are also interesting staples, which we use for elements of torn fasteners, distances, fasteners with little space around. Important: The stitcher is not used to repair plastics - it holds the element in an even position for subsequent work such as welding or gluing. Such a staple cannot be left without subsequent repair work.